Manhood is changing. Especially for the young. What used to be out of the question is now a possibility. But what does this mean for fashion? Unlike the notion of picking and sticking to a niesche, we believe the whole point of the new manhood is that guys don't have to commit to be only thing. You can be whatever you wanna be: one type of guy today, and a whole other type tomorrow. There's magic in fluidity, and there's nothing wrong with freedom.
Twentyfourseven has been around for 12 years, leading the market in fashion that caters specifically to young women. They always took pride in being diverse - creating clothes for morning, noon, evening and night, making them accessible to women in cities and in and encouraging women to #beallyouwant. Now that they are finally a brand for men too, we wanted to encourage guys not just to be all they want, but to #bewhatyouwant: whether it's macho or gentle, wild or chill, an athlete, a computer geek or a poet. Whatever works.