OpenDor Media is a leading global non-profit media company that engages with its audience by bringing Jewish ideas, values, and stories to life. Their main goal is to connect Jewish youth to its heritage, bridging between the older generation and the new one. The brand’s main value is its approach; it has a profound understanding of how to create media that will attract younger people.
As a non-profit organization, OpenDor relies on donations in order to operate. With that audience in mind, we have created a dynamic, digital brand language. Although it is young-looking and very trendy, the brand is also confident and profound, so that donators would be able to relate. The key message is the impact OpenDor has on the future generation, as it addresses them in their own language. For those who wish to educate younger people, this impact is worth investing in.
OpenDor is a storytelling brand. By creating vivid content, it tells stories that shape identities of Jews around the world. We designed the new brand language so that every interaction with it would feel like entering a new story. The shapes are wrapped around each other, reflecting the organization’s impact and opening the door into a whole new world.