Three Thoughts About The Brief

מאת Elad Mishan
What is a brief?
We’ve explored this exact question today, the people of Firma.
First observing the movie “Briefly”, where creative people from around the world give their thoughts on the subject, followd by a discussion of our own. Beyond the usual dilemmas - is a brief restricting or enabling, what needs to be in it and so on, a few intresting insights aroused. Here are three of them:
1. A brief always shifts between two edges, and needs to include both: The deadline and the dream.
2. The brief sets the limitations. Instead of trying to bypass them, we can try a different approach: Let the challenge become the asset.
3. Three necessary conditions need to be met by the person receiving the brief:
Always research the culture
Use your curiosity
Ask questions in the right form.

עוד השראה

Firma trends 2019

מאת Firma

Firma trends 2019

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