Gen Z has been stigmatized for a long time, but the truth is that despite all the negative statements, there's also an entrepreneurial generation, one that cares for the people around it, and especially one that refuses to allow anyone else to profit at their expense. With a cell phone in hand, Genzers (the nickname for Generation Z) know what they deserve and are not afraid to demand it, which is why 1824 was created. 1824 (18-24) is a multi-channel platform that provides Genzers with a wide range of options in the areas of leisure, finances, studies, and careers. As part of our mission, we turned 1824 into a brand that speaks directly to its intended audience in a language they understand - digital.
A major challenge was developing a brand language that could be translated to a multitude of platforms, from social media to an app to a credit card. The mindset we followed throughout the process was: the transition from a service and customer club to a lifestyle product.
The process of renewing the visual language began with the decision to continue working with the existing logo. The font was changed to a youthful and light font and the numbers were divided into two squares to create a lively and dynamic logo. The yellow was upgraded to striking lime green, the color of Gen Z.
The 1824 brand enables young people to take life into their own hands and open up a world of possibilities - and that's literally what we did. We created illustrations of hands that, on the one hand, represent the hands of 1824, those who made it a reality, and, on the other hand (see what we did here?), the Genzers who grasp all possibilities with open hands. This illustration is based on social media stickers. This theme is continued by the photographic language and is expressed in the form of hand gestures that celebrate life. The final step was to create a message system that celebrated the Genzers' self-confidence, charisma, and internationality.
As soon as we decided on the brand language, we began designing the app. Genzers use dozens of apps and they are digital savvy. They consume information quickly, move between platforms easily, and expect an interactive and engaging experience. Understanding their unique behavior and needs is essential when designing an app for them. We created an easy-to-use interface that emphasizes the brand language, colors, and fun of the design. For us, creating an online and offline brand and application that allows Genzers to catch everything good with one click was crucial.