Even though the Corona era is over, its effects are still felt in our daily lives. Despite the return to routine, the localization trend is still strong. We are constantly looking for convenient and creative ways to improve our lives - new work experiences, upgraded homes, door-to-door deliveries, special vacations, and also a variety of economic opportunities.
Mistral from Brown Hotels is a holiday apartment and residential project built next to Brown Hotel in Croatia. Together, we set out on a joint journey to find Mistral's unique value propositions for two different target audiences, Private Owners and Global Businesses.
We examined the needs of Mistral's two audiences. On the one hand, private individuals who want investment opportunities but also want to improve their quality of life. They want to find a solution that allows for a work-life balance. On the other hand, global businesses are looking for investment opportunities to enhance their financial stability and employee experience.We concluded that in such a case, the common will lead. That's why we positioned Mistral as "A Win-Win Investment" - an Investment in my finances and in myself. You don’t have to choose between investing in your future, or investing in today. The brand's core idea is to "Make the Most Out of Every Day" - a concept that encourages people to maximize their lives and their capital. Our culture tells us we can't have both. Either we invest in our future, or we invest in our present. You can't eat the cake and have it too - with Mistral you actually can.
The Mistral visual language is based on two elements - business and pleasure, which produce unique spaces where you can get the most out of both. The logo symbol is built from a formal game of triangular shapes in the letters M and A. Connecting the two letters creates a diamond which serves as a central element in the visual language.
Using gray-black, fine marble and white as brand colors convey luxury and simplicity. Combining two fonts adds more depth to the meeting between business and pleasure. We used a soft, elegant font and added a more classic, stable font. Two types of images are displayed in the photographic language - entertainment and work, leisure and activity, nature and activity, always in a duality that binds the double value of living in Mistral.