A well-established consultancy and digital projects company, HMS built its reputation in the banking and finance sector. In fact, it had advised, planned and built both the first and the newest core systems in that field. Now, it was looking to re-establish its identity and proposition in a category flooded with competition.
From HMS’s clients’ perspective, we identified the tension between needing to move fast, transform and be at the forefront of technology – and the anxiety and fear of failure in such long, complex, expensive and one-shot projects. Many decision makers are pushed to innovate, and feel they are way out of their comfort zone.
We recommended to position HMS as an expert in the finance core systems field (“If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere”). Its value proposition relies on its unique combination of strategy, planning and implementation management, and experience alongside innovation. The promise is to extend their clients’ comfort zones – to help them walk the unexplored paths of core innovation in the most reliable and trusted way.