Talking about money isn’t easy. Our ability to be honest with ourselves about our finances and truly engage and manage ourselves, reflects on us. It pushes a sensitive button that might make us miss out our here and now. Right now is the best time to be, Right now is when you live your life. How can we live our best life while having to money manage? Wishing to refresh its brand identity, Cal, among Israel’s largest credit companies, was facing a challenge.
We found that both the quality and quantity of our lives are measured by the amount of experiences we manage to accumulate. It’s called The Experience Economy. This is what defines Cal’s value to its customers: They give you the loan and offer the exclusive discounts – so that you can enjoy and experience more. This insight teared down the barrier in client-company communication.
The name Cal is a homophone of the word easy is Hebrew, kal, which connects to the brand’s mission of easing and smoothing financial management. This served as the main message for Cal’s new design: clean, clear, and coherent logo; lively but serious colors; and imagery showing people who are present in their own lives and experiencing it fully. Cal makes it easier to get more, and sports a light approach to a not so kal issue.
The motion we’ve designed follows the new dynamic and light visual language. The dot element from Cal’s logo is a great graphic tool to realize how Cal successfully and easily integrates with everyday life, offering to make them better without interfering. This is how Cal keeps it simple.
The photography is a significant point of relation, because it draws the audience in and allows them to see themselves as part of the brands. Therefore, we chose to incorporate photographs depicting slices of life, people having delightful everyday moments while Cal is there, always presenting opportunities and creating better experiences.