The key element of vacations, at least as we perceive it prior to actually taking them, is the ease of it all. We’re looking for good times that come easy, and that’s why the complexity of vacations is never a fun issue to tackle, however real and common. Planning may be the complete opposite of taking things easy, but it’s crucial to ensure that we make the most out of our free time. EasyGo is an online travel agency
that offers online traveling services, from booking flights to traveling insurance. It pride itself for being accessible and conveniently priced, but it wasn’t enough to set it apart from any other traveling agency. We went on a journey with EasyGo and soon realized their strongest suit.
We positioned EasyGo as “your guy on the site”, since it successfully combines human assistance, along with online services. EasyGo, your guy, works for you and with you, finding not just the best budget deals, but also the most relevant and fitting offers, tailored to your needs – be it a family vacation or a couple getaway. The brand’s essence is “taking it easy”, which refers to both taking the time for yourself and spending it your way, and most importantly: not stressing about anything vacation related, because it completely defeats the purpose. This creates a seamless, joyous experience from beginning to end, and connects the vast and fast interface with warm and helping human hands. Take your vacation easy – EasyGo has got your back.