Every one of us remembers the moment when we were hooked on something new, exciting, and intriguing that opened up a whole new world of possibilities. This is the moment that the Nitzotzot (Sparks in Hebrew) try to create in their meetings with teenagers. Nitzotzots' role in a changing world, where new professions and areas of interest appear daily, is to introduce students to a variety of fields so they can find their passions. It is the spark that will ignite their inspiration.
We began our journey with Nitzotzot many years ago. As a result of the new merger of Nitzotzot with the organization "Another Class", we began a new process to make this merger the most sparkling possible.
Nitzotzot and 'Different Lesson' each aim to inspire teenagers in their own way. 'Different Lesson' provides experiential courses to students in Israel by volunteers who relate classroom material to life's challenges. The Nitzotzot program brings middle school students together with people who reveal their spark to them.
Our joint strategic process culminated in the decision to keep the name Nitzotzot and define the organization's vision and key values, community, passion, and inspiration. And we created the leading tagline "Connecting to inspiration".
We created a new visual language that emphasizes the connections that lead to inspiration. The color palette consists of green, which symbolizes the class where we meet, and is complemented by the warm colors yellow, pink, and orange, which create the spark. The spark symbol were created from these four colors to accompany the logo. We worked with four basic shapes together with the photographic language that consistently features the instructor, the student, and the subject of the meeting.
The merger between the two organizations required creating order in the various areas of the activities, for each area, we created its own icon. The goal was to create a young and refreshing language that would convey the connection to inspiration through each of its elements.