Many Israeli companies are experiencing similar challenges. Here's one story that probably fits a company you know: small, local businesses that slowly grow into global organizations with thousands of employees worldwide. This is, among other things, the story of Huliot: a kibbutz owned company established in 1947, specializing in the production and marketing of advanced water flow systems.
However, in recent years, Huliot is no longer just a kibbutz-owned company: it has acquired additional companies throughout Israel and Europe, established an additional factory in India, and became a global group. And so they came to us at a dramatic turning point, with the aim of formulating a clear compass of brand strategy that would create clarity and synergy, first of all within the company itself and then towards the world.
One of our goals was to shift our focus from "what" to "why": to emphasize the value inherent in working with Huliot company rather than speaking in terms of the quality of our pipes. During a process of business strategy, the team of Huliot came up with a new idea: ‘Trading in the Currency of Trust’. Our positioning objective was to help them establish themselves as 'The World's Most Trusted Flow Systems Maker'. However, to avoid clichés and empty promises, and to make the conversation about "trust" more practical, we have broken the concept down into three components: product reliability, fairness in relationships, and good intentions. Each of them has been translated into a series of actions that Huliot undertakes to comply with. The actions begin with professional standards, continue with codes of interpersonal behavior, and end with green technologies that protect the environment.
Next, the design process began. Creating trust requires two parties: two entities that connect and rely on each other. The connection between people, products, and the environment in the field in which we work. Therefore, the new visual language of Huliot tells a story about this mutual relationship. The logo consists of two cut circles, and the empty space between them represents a connected chain, as well as the letter H. From this logotype an entire visual language is derived: grids, illustrations and photographs. The color palette preserves the Holiot company's heritage, and signals a commitment to green and sustainable solutions. Additionally, the iconic language allows us to express our story through all its layers: the reliability of our products, the fairness of our relationships, and our commitment to the environment.