The world of employment is changing. Even before COVID, changes occurred in workers' employment preferences. The perception of the workplace in our lives s has shifted - we all want an equal place in the world and demand system to change. At the same time, many organizations find it difficult to pinpoint the source of the problem. Why do employees leave them? We had a clear goal: to design a sustainable organization concept that would provide value to employees and the company as a whole. Cool job ads, Sibus card and huge parties will not connect employees to their organization. A clear and true narrative can give a distinctive value proposition to employees, and connect them to the organization's purpose and vision. Together with KPMG we embarked on a significant and empowering journey, for employer branding and employee experience.
Based on research and in-depth interviews with senior management and newly hired employees, we came up with an organizing concept for the employee's experience: "You make the Bigger Picture". Employee experience begins with their perspective. The actions of every employee have a significant impact on their future, the projects they takes on, the company, and even society at large. This organizing concept was then refined into four principles of action: Knowledge, People, Meaning, Growth - which form the DNA that gives meaning to the organization.
We continue to develop a visual language for KPMG's internal communication applications, recruitment of new employees, and redesign of the work environment. The chosen brand colors are based on the blue shades associated with the international brand. We have added a secondary color palette consisting of purple, pink and bright turquoise.
In a visual language, the organizing idea is translated into shapes and images that work together to create a big picture. To create products that are associated with the big, bigger picture, we decided to explore the boundaries of known merchandise. There will be huge canvas bags, a big(ger) water bottle, and a drawing pad to name a few.