Artificial intelligence technologies are transforming the way we see the world every day. By enhancing human abilities, they help us discover, predict, and make better decisions. Seeity's AI platform enables real-time risk assessment models for insurance companies based on advanced technology. Since artificial intelligence is a complex field, especially for people who don't speak the language, focusing only on technology can create a complex story that is not easily accessible to most customers. Instead, we chose to tell a story of value.
This was a multifaceted project that involved brand strategy, brand language, product design and naming. AI platforms for insurance companies focus on technology and not on the uniqueness or value proposition of the products. There is much more to Seenity than technology. In this new strategy, the discourse is changed and value is emphasized.
Our blind spots may contain the most important and critical information, and we are here to help you illuminate them. The brand essence is "What you don't see might matter the most". We are the ones who support the insurance companies, illuminate the dead spots, and turn the blind spots into assets and more profitable value propositions for our clients.
Because of technological complexity and the desire to focus on value, we created a simple, clean and sharp design language that focuses on highlighting the essence of the brand. The logo consists of two ribbons whose folding represents the blind spots that Seenity can reveal. The negative area created between the ribbons forms the letter S. The design language continues to emphasize the blind spots revealed by Seenity and the folding of the ribbon remains as a recurring motif in the various titles and icons. The new perspective allows our customers to emphasize the value they bring while advancing with innovation and technology. Scrolling through the site you will discover many infographics that simplify the technology for those who don't “speak” AI. The appeal to the target audience is done directly. A significant part of the website design strategy being the creation of a call to action, to book a demo to reveal Seenity's great value to its customers.