Spirituality is a tricky thing to brand, but when it came to Love Israel, an organization for Christian supporters of the Holy Land, we got to dive right in and ask some pretty big questions. Our main goal was to shift the perception from a platform geared to receive donations, to an empowering and spiritual network that allows you to connect to the land of Israel.
Within the landscape of Jewish organizations, evangelical and the like, aesthetically, things tend to be a tad outdated. The new identity would allow for a fresh burst of energy. A brand that conveys the excitement of connection, rather than distance, a platform that turns to the young and embraces the future, and a network that fosters both deep, and widepsread connections, with the land, and with each one another.
The new visual language started with the logo. We positioned the words on two lines, making the “V” from “LOVE” and the “A” from “Israel” join together towards one central point. The resulting look was the new logo that showed the powerful connection that forms from above and below, in other words, the powerful middle point where love of land and belief converge.
Taking inspiration form the triangular theme, we added new illustrations that depict a modern kind of spirituality such as lions, funky shoes and tuxedo suits. We added photography of young and impassioned guys and girls and lastly, we made Love Israel embrace the future by optimizing the in-app designs, showing the world that spirituality belongs just as much in the digital age as it does in churches.