Long gone are the days when curly heads had to shamefully iron their manes. As social media gave rise to self-expression and expanded the definitions for beauty, self-acceptance and self-care, curls have been celebrating their new-found freedom. Curly celebs, influencers and models are gracing every screen. The product range for curly hair has also been growing, with veteran companies refreshing their collections alongside new players. Hair products are a growing universe that’s also been evolving, with hair salons, hair designers and influencers launching their own brands. Standing out as a curly person in a room full of straight-haired people may be easy – but how do you stand out as a brand in an expanding field? When the curly, Israeli born and internationally famed model and influencer Eden Fines decided to launch her own line, we’ve joined curls to create an outstanding brand.
They don’t say “let your hair down” for nothing. There’s something super authentic and natural in wearing your hair the way it is. We both had this in mind when working out the brand strategy for Eden’s new brand. We started from the positioning: EASY-GOING BEAUTY EXPERIENCE, to immediately establish the feeling we’d like this brand to convey – beauty does not equal pain, suffering, or fully working at altering who you are. Beauty as we see it is easy-going before anything else. Moving on to the: YOU’RE FREE. This brand supports the real you. You’re free to be yourself, let your curls out and feel the best in your own element. The values – movement, confidence, creativity and power – lay down the brand’s foundational beliefs. The tone of voice – energetic, positive, free-minded and brave – speaks the brand’s truth. Lastly, the entire brand identity truly reflects Eden Fines’ vibe, and do the best name for the brand is her own nickname: Fifi.
Giving the new brand visual life was so much fun. To start off, we used to most noticeable element of any curly hair, and Eden’s hair specifically: VOLUME! Every bottle features a big, curly silhouette to create an iconic and indelible somatic marker. The logo has volume as well, featuring thick and playful letters that on the hand, convey funkiness and movement, and on the other, are easy to read without over doing it and exhausting the “curly” idea.
The dots above each i are little sparkles, symbolizing magic and freshness, and can be used, along with the lip shape from the silhouette, as patterns. As a brand with an attitude, both colors and photography are saturated and present, with two palettes for darker and fairer shades – and pictures that wink at Fines’ modeling background and convey fashion, style, beauty, care-free life and tons of confidence. Now in stores, Fifi is a bold and authentic curl-loving brand that invites curly heads to feel free, always!