When you consider the world of online invoices and small business management, you might imagine an infectious dullness, to the point where the actual work of such platforms can shadow even the best of infrastructures. This may have been true until Green Invoice came along and did a miraculous job at crafting a brand language, both visual and verbal, that gave life and a pop of color to freelancers’ most triggering areas: invoices, contracts, taxes, payments, revenues, and every gut-wrenching term you can think of. By the time they came to us, Green Invoice had become synonym with its entire Israeli industry, by far surpassing its contemporaries with so much more than just invoices. It was time to grow, and so went for it together.
Platforms that make business management accessible to freelancers and small businesses, usually talk about the same thing: how easy it is. It makes sense, since ease is a conversation we’re all used to having by now, even somewhat expect – and it’s true that taking a challenging, quite deadening matter, and turning into a seemingly walk in the park, is worth mentioning. But we wanted more (omg the word game potential!), and so the new strategy for Green Invoice changes the conversation – from ease, to magic, agency and ownership. The new positioning is A PLATFORM FOR ALL THE GREY THINGS THAT COME WITH INDEPENDENT BUSINESS MANGEMENT. We’ve included both brand mission and vision: the mission is TURNING EVERY CHORE TO CHARM, while the vision is HELPING FREELANCERS EVERYWHERE EBRACE, LOVE AND OWN EVERY ASPECT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. We’ve gathered that by now, and considering the leading position Green Invoice already possesses, ease goes without saying, and what IS worth saying at this point is simply – we know it’s hard and we’ll do anything to remind you daily of how capable, extraordinary and successful you are, to support your work and help you grow.
Green invoice hasn’t been just about invoices in a while now, but the popularity and devoted clientele made hold on to its name for as long as it could. The new name is a tool for growth, allowing Green Invoice to expand endlessly. We named it Morning, which on the one hand tackles the most questionable hour of the day, when everything kicks into high gear, and the other hand – the freshest time to get cracking. It also serves as a wonderful base for verbal wonders. We’ve matched the magical strategy and name with a versatile, smart and inviting visual language. The new logo is in English and has a recognizable symbol alongside it,
inspired by opening windows, discovery and movement, it also creates a dynamic, responsive grid. The visual language has original illustrations in a structure that allows broad work – so every designer working with the brand, anywhere in the world, can craft their own. Lastly, we’ve created updated icons and added some motion that supports the liveliness of Morning. Now, as the new brand goes out into the world with endless flare, charm and style, independent businesses everywhere can find beauty and magic in the administrative part of their work, and feel truly empowered to press on.