One of the biggest advantages technology has introduced to every industry, is the ability to scale up or down, and personalize everything. So much so, that personalized customer experiences are now a benchmark that redesigned our approach and understanding of services – both as brands and customers. We expect brand-person interaction to be mutual; to be offered a me-focused experience and to have brands curious and knowledgeable about us. Hospitality is a great example of an industry that changed greatly thanks to the ability to personalize and generally manage better – whether it’s users managing their stay independently, or hoteliers that entertain in larger scales.
There is a major drawback, though: all this tech talk shifts hospitality’s focus away from people and onward to systems. Duve, a comprehensive hospitality and guest management platform, turned to us when opportunity was ripe enough to seize: they wanted to evolve, and we were happy to rethink hospitality and personalization with them. Duve’s positioning is PERSONAL TOUCH: CONSISTENT, ACCURATE AND AT SCALE. Along with its brand essence, THE ART OF HOSPITALITY, Duve hits the nail on the head: it’s there to elevate the work of hoteliers without downsizing the importance of human connection and the expertise of entertainment. It uses tech to better connect the two ends – entertainers and customers. We named it Duve, which derives from Duvet, and refers to the ability to cover everything, yet keep it cozy, comfy and personal.
Duve’s new visual identity also walks the line between advanced scalable technology, and human thumbprint. The logo was crafted with boutique hotels in mind, with a touch of modern. The oval shape in the letters gives it a classy and soft twist. For the brand colors, we chose a warm and welcomy palette and balanced with a techy purple. A key ingredient in the visual language portrays the modern hotelier.
the artwork consistently splits into three layers: the original image, a modern duo-tone, and a classic "oil-painting-optic". This demonstrates adaptability, depth, duplication of self with the help of supportive technology and the literal layers Duve adds. Finally, we’ve applied the new visual language unto Duve’s website. We’ve expanded the color palette to match a more digital look, and added motion that captures Duve’s experience and vibe.