vCita started off as a scheduling app for businesses. “Cita” means “a meeting” in some elating languages, and the V stands for virtual. Soon enough, vCita started offering more services to businesses, and developed deep relationships and deeper understanding of its audience. It was unwilling to keep defying itself only by that one initial feature.
In the positioning process, we learned the power and the potential among small businesses in the USA. They account for 45% of US economy, and many of them serve a small, community-like audience. vCita had acquired vast knowledge of what it practically means to own a small business, and developed life-changing tools for them - tool that put the digital power of large organisations in their hands. We decided to position vCita as Expanding the Business Abilities of small to very small businesses, where the owner is the business and vice versa.
The emotional insight for communicating vCita’s ideas and source of attraction, was the understanding that in very small businesses, the owner is the business. That is his life’s work, and every business skill acquired is perceived as a personal ability.
vCita stands by the people who build their own life, and help them Build a Business to Be Proud Of. The Visual theme presents small everyday hero figurines, for whom no task is ever too big.