As a public company, the main audience of gix is investors, so it needed a brand that manifests both emotional and financial value. We set out to discover the financial meanings of different terms, to find the right positioning and core value for the brand. The most accurate one was Martech: the technology of marketing. Wide enough to live room for expanding, but not confusedly too wide, martech is a trending industry that has tangible economical value.
As a group of companies, gix’s brand was not making any unique impression. The process included new brand architecture based on one shared identity for all the companies. Inspired by the new industry of martech, the new brand reflects the expertise of gix in innovative marketing and new marketing technologies.
The visual language was created to express the versatile and adaptive nature of gix. It is a dynamic, lively, and direct way of conveying brand messages, communicating with its audiences, and engaging them to act.