People and money aren't what they used to be, and a credit card company isn't just about the card anymore. Our lifestyles call for payment flexibility and innovation—money transfers that are smoother and more convenient than ever.
Leumi Card, a leading Israeli credit card known as an innovator in the field, has long worked on developing next-generation financial services and capabilities for business and private customers.
As part of that process, Leumi Card realized it needed to redefine its role in the lives of customers.
Our basic observation was that the actual money transfer is just a technical matter that has become increasingly transparent. It doesn’t help Leumi Card stand out at all. We needed to get beyond technological progress and define Leumi Card as a company that forms connections—between people, businesses, and capabilities. Leumi Card creates new opportunities for customers by leveraging its innovative drive, a new perspective on customers' lifestyles, and its leading market position.
The new language began with a logo that was based on older marketing materials, but updated and reshaped into a real icon. The logo was reborn as "Louie," a character who takes the lead in all brand communications. Louie's role is to be a window of opportunity, generating interest as well as a sense of variety, progression, and change. It can contain any visual content and be integrated with different formats.