Music might be the universal language of humankind, but the way we consume it has undergone a revolution in the digital age. Revenue from recorded music has been in free fall while ticket sales are on the rise. It’s all part of a broader generational shift in leisure spending among millenials: more experiences,
less stuff.
Zappa started out as a chain of small and intimate music clubs that featured top local artists and leading international musicians. Zappa built on that success and expanded into other realms of Israel’s music industry: concert ticketing, festival production, event production, and music streaming.
The diversity of Zappa’s businesses didn’t fit into any neat category,
so we devised a new one: Experience Creator. Zappa’s true expertise is creating total experiences. Whether its indoor or outdoor shows, avant-garde jazz or pop, physical or digital, every element is produced by one single artist with a mission to provide audiences with the best possible experience.
Zappa’s essence is an antidote to the monotony and blandness that dominates our daily routine. Instead of collapsing in front of our mobile phones at the end of the day, we experience music in-person and get an infusion of energy when we hear those first notes over the feedback. Feel Alive.