By Firma
Firma trends 2019
What happens when everyone writes a report on the same trends is that eventually, you have nothing left to say.
This is why we decided to write about the most loathsome...
The findings are right there – a horrific shooting took place in Las Vegas just a few weeks ago. A short search shows dozens of videos from the scene. People literally face a terrible threat and broadcast live. How can a basic survival instinct be shut down or replaced with connecting to the virtual world?
Well, perhaps the basic survival instinct does not really disappear. None of the Las Vegas shooting survivors expressed a death wish and they were very aware of the immediate danger they were facing. So, it is possible that we are observing an ancient survival instinct taking a new form, one of live sharing.
The environment expands our evolutionary behaviors, and even creates new ones. Live sharing is a second nature to us these days. When dealing with an ordinary situation, we interpret the constant impulse to be a part of a virtual network as a trend, a social condition that will soon be gone. But something in this notion cracks when we see the phenomenon of live sharing while facing death.
Live sharing has now become more than a social habit. It may have modified a primal instinct. We named this phenomenon 'Fight or Flight or Share': engage the danger to eliminate it, run away to a safe zone, or share it live with the online world. It's the way we are. We do not scream for help, we stream for it.
The world advances so fast that no research or articles were published on this matter yet. We too find it hard to imagine ourselves in a shooting scene, standing foot and streaming live. On the other hand, evidence is building up with each disaster and incident. We wonder what else will change, and what would the next evolutionary step might be.
links to two movies:
movie one, movie two
By Firma
What happens when everyone writes a report on the same trends is that eventually, you have nothing left to say.
This is why we decided to write about the most loathsome...
By Firma - Change Matters
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