BLOGBy Ori Bar Zvi
The Guide to Effective Positioning
In an era of increasing competition and messaging overload, the term "positioning" has become somewhat overused in the business world. Too often, it seems like just anothe...
Read MoreBLOGBy Ori Bar Zvi
In an era of increasing competition and messaging overload, the term "positioning" has become somewhat overused in the business world. Too often, it seems like just anothe...
Read MoreBLOGBy Firma
Dive into our new report on change to assess where you stand, discover essential organizational tools, and start leading the way.
Read MorePODCASTSBy Firma - Change Matters
זה התחיל ממענה פשוט לצורך בוער, וצמח לחברה גדולה שנמכרה במאות מיליונים. Morning, לשעבר "חשבונית ירוקה...
Read MorePODCASTSBy Firma - Change Matters
היא משנה למנכ"ל פירמה שהגיעה מעולמות העיצוב והמחול, אישה של אנשים שמעריכה את זמן האיכות שלה עם עצמה...
Read MorePODCASTSBy Firma - Change Matters
מה דעתכם – האם יצירתיות היא מערב פרוע של אנרגיה משוחררת, או דווקא אלגוריתם עם נוסחאות ידועות, שמביא...
Read MorePODCASTSBy Firma - Change Matters
היא בילבי של העולם האמיתי: חזקה, עצמאית, מלאת דמיון ואופטימיות. קרן שביט מעצבת לא רק טוב ויפה – אלא...
Read MorePODCASTSBy Firma - Change Matters
איך מאזנים בין מתודה לחדשנות? איך הופכים את האקדמיה מגייטקיפר, למרחב בו אפשר להתנסות, ללמוד טכניקות...
Read MoreBLOGBy Ori Bar Zvi
Cultural branding is a tool focused on aligning a brand with specific values or ideals. This approach recognizes that consumers often make purchasing decisions based not only o...
Read MorePODCASTSBy Firma - Change Matters
ספיישל תקווה | זה באמת מה שאנחנו צריכים עכשיו?
מה ממלא אתכם בתקווה בתקופה הזו? פרק מיוחד אחרי...
PODCASTSBy Firma - Change Matters
הוא טיפוגרף פורץ דרך שגדל במשפחה חרדית בעיר העתיקה בירושלים, וכל הזמן מחפש (ומוצא) איך לעצב, לשפר...
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עמיר מנחם ייסד את "חמש אצבעות", תנועה חינוכית־חברתית שעוזרת לאנשים צעירים לממש את הפוטנציאל שלהם...
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נראה שהעולם זז מהר יותר בכל יום, ושינוי צפוי לנו בכל פינה. מעבר לזה, הוא בלתי נמנע בחיים ובלתי נפרד...
Read MoreBLOGBy Offer Brener
Hope isn't something that just happens; it's something we create. In uncertain times, designing hope becomes a powerful act of leadership and vision. It’s about turning...
Read MoreBLOGBy Doron Goldenberg
Israel has been facing one of its gravest adversities. Known as TheIsrael has been facing one of its gravest adversities. Known as The Black Saturday, the chain of events tha...
Read MoreBLOGBy Alina Lachman
Then, we take it to the next level: after deepening our knowledge, we meet the client for a product discovery workshop. Our methodology includes Design Thinking tools – such as...
Read MoreBLOGBy Alina Lachman
Then, we take it to the next level: after deepening our knowledge, we meet the client for a product discovery workshop. Our methodology includes Design Thinking tools – such as...
Read MoreBLOGBy Alina Lachman
There are many ways to define design. Each definition and the point of view it represents. Every definition assigns a role and meaning to the designer, the creation, the process...
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How to design a change in your organization?
In this day and age, every company is a design company.
Whether a product or a service company, everything you do changes you...
BLOGBy Elad Mishan
There are many ways to define design. Each definition and the point of view it represents. Every definition assigns a role and meaning to the designer, the creation, the process...
Read MoreBLOGBy Elad Mishan
I love problems. They excite me, make me nervous, challenge me. They invite me to the kind of dance I like. Loving them surely depends on the ability to solve them every once i...
Read MoreBLOGBy Doron Goldenberg
7 things that brands can and should do these days. COVID-19 has us all in a whirlwind but honestly, our country regularly has its fair share of emergencies and crises on all...
Read MoreBLOGBy Hadas Sadeh / Firma
I finished my morning coffee and went into my bank’s app. It’s been three days since I’ve transferred the renting fee to my landlord, and still the transfer isn’t showing...
Read MoreBLOGBy Tamara Shavit
Our job at Firma is to help organizations rethink why they do what they do. We encourage them to surprise themselves with the answers they come up with, and then we work with them...
Read MoreBLOGBy Elad Mishan
offf festival inspires and gives a peek into the backstage of different designers, artists and studios, their processes, their thinking, their take on things and much more. Being...
Read MoreBLOGBy Erez Chen
Merav Shaham is a multidisciplinary creator, musician, and one of the most unique designers in the industry. We spent a wonderful 90 minutes with her, learning how she creates...
Read MoreBLOGBy Naama Katz, UX Designer
A step by step on how we built and designed a friendly and useful exploration interface that suits anyone who wishes to visit Tel Aviv.
Read MoreBLOGBy Erez Chen
Boaz Lavie, writer, film maker, game designer took us to a great hour about text and Ai.
Read MoreBLOGBy Adi Vindichensky, UX Designer
The Connection Between Photography and UX Design
Read MoreBLOGBy Firma
What happens when everyone writes a report on the same trends is that eventually, you have nothing left to say.
This is why we decided to write about the most loathsome...
BLOGBy Tal Epstein
A well-known principle of marketing is that people don’t connect to facts. It’s stories that they connect to. More than a decade ago, American marketing guru Seth Godin argued...
Read MoreBLOGBy Stav Orbach
We hate losing. Not like in a lousy loser sort of way – that's just an emotional response to a loss that had already happened. We hate losing so much, that we'd rather avoid i...
Read MoreBLOGBy Doron Goldenberg
The branding market is currently undergoing one of its most significant transformations in the 21st century. Technology is generating new tools and cultures that affect every...
Read MoreBLOGBy Yehoram Davidi, Hadas Sadeh
Mass shooting or a deadly tsunami have a shocking impact, in more than one way. In a matter of minutes, dozens of live videos are broadcast in all social platforms.
Read MoreBLOGBy Elad Mishan
I'm a runner. It's been a few years since I was bitten by that bug, and day and night it takes me towards my goal: in the biting cold, under the scorching sun, toward the dista...
Read MoreBLOGBy Hili Neeman
One of my former professors said, "As designers, you are responsible for everything you release into the world. No one else is guilty for the less-than-stellar work you do."
Read MoreBLOGBy Elad Mishan
24 hours, 40 people, 2 NGO's – one new brand. An ambitious project, to say the least. Like taking a pile of fresh oranges and squeezing them to make a full pitcher in just one...
Read MoreBLOGBy Elad Mishan
What is a brief?
We’ve explored this exact question today, the people of Firma.